My Foundation
Foundation resources for Rotary members.
Resources for Rotary Members
This is the go-to page for Foundation resources for Rotary members — we encourage you to bookmark the page!
The Key Resources section provides an extremely convenient way to find often-used information, such as forms and guides.
The Rotary Project Lifecycle section is categorised according to the stages of development of your project: from evaluation to funding, as well as publicising results.
Accessing some of the resources listed on this page requires that you login to your My Rotary account. If you are a Rotary member and do not currently have a My Rotary account, we’d encourage you to create one here, using the same email address you usually use for your Rotary communications. You will find that My Rotary provides access to a wide range of valuable information, such as reports, images, logos and training.
Our Four Most Popular Links:
Recognition Transfer Form (for issuing PHFs)
Making contributions to The Rotary Foundation (Australia)
Bank Transfer Instructions (Australia)
Project lifecycle
Submit a project story!
If you’ve completed a grant-funded project that’s making a real difference in people’s lives, why not tell the world about it! We include suitable projects in the Projects Section of this site.
CSR Grants
In April 2023, the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation approved a new kind of grant for deployment in Australia and Brazil—Corporate Social Responsibility Grants, or CSR Grants. CSR Grants provide a straightforward way for corporations to engage with Rotary in the delivery of mutually agreed outcomes. For more information, please visit our CSR Grants page.
Clubs and districts that would like to engage with RFA to pursue an opportunity with a prospective corporate donor can register their project here.
Rotary International Sites
My Rotary is your primary source of Foundation information
Rotary Club Central also provides great access to resources, including goal setting.
Recognition programs
About The Rotary Foundation
Popular forms
Recognition Transfer Form (for issuing PHFs)
Contribution Form (for individual donor)
Contribution Form (for multiple donors)
Recognition programs
Centurion Application Form (Australia)
Request for personal data (confidential info)
Raise for Rotary — Rotary’s crowdfunding platform
Brand Center
Brand Center — logos, colors, fonts
Brand Elements — unified visual identity
Rotary Sites
Rotary Policies & Reports
Other resources
Bank Transfer Instructions (Australia)
Rotary Foundation Australia
Corporate Engagement Program (Australia)
Zone 8 — Australia / New Zealand / Pacific Islands
Rotary Zone 8 — Aus / NZ / Pacific website
Community Needs Assessments:
Grant Management Recertification 2023-24
Polio - Why Zero Matters (2016)
PolioPlus Society — Jennifer Jones (2022)
How To Videos
Apply for grants – an excellent resource with links to:
For additional links, go to the
Grants Center and click the Resources ≡
dropdown (top-right corner)
Please note that the following list of reports does not provide links. That’s because the link is different for each user accessing a report. To find the reports, log in to My Rotary as a club or district officer and go to https://my.rotary.org/en/manage/club-district-administration/reports.
Monthly Contribution Report — Annual Fund and Other contributions for month and YTD
End Polio Contribution Report — Polio Fund and Other contributions for month and YTD
Available DDF by District — district’s DDF balance and how it is being applied
Paul Harris Fellow and Benefactor Report — list of the club’s PHFs and Benefactors
Club Recognition Summary — provides data re member PHF status and how many points the club has available
Club Foundation Banner Report — lists members who have contributed at least US$25 or US$100
Club Fundraising Analysis — five-year contribution stats for the club (or for each club in a district)
District Fundraising Analysis — five-year contribution stats for the district
Paul Harris Society Report — club’s PHS members and their giving status
Fundraising Activities
Tasmanian Rotarians, Phil and Joyce Ogden have just ridden their tandem bicycle across the Nullabor (!) from Perth to Adelaide, to raise funds for End Polio Now. You can still support this amazing Raise for Rotary fundraiser at:
Pedal Power Drives Passion for End Polio Now. Fundraising across the Nullarbor.
Do you have a Foundation fundraiser coming up or running now? Promote it here.
Project Lifecycle
Visit Rotary Learning Center directly and log in using your My Rotary credentials before clicking resource links to courses.
Visit Rotary Learning Center directly and log in using your My Rotary credentials before clicking resource links to courses.
Visit Rotary Learning Center directly and log in using your My Rotary credentials before clicking resource links to courses.
Visit Rotary Learning Center directly and log in using your My Rotary credentials before clicking resource links to courses.
Visit Rotary Learning Center directly and log in using your My Rotary credentials before clicking resource links to courses.
Visit Rotary Learning Center directly and log in using your My Rotary credentials before clicking resource links to courses.
Be inspired by the Rotary members and program participants improving lives in communities around the world every day through thousands of service projects. Explore the good work that we’re doing locally and globally for ideas and new approaches, and don’t forget to share these projects through social media.